If you are a human being, you have to stop using certain words in your everyday vocabulary or risk sounding like a chatbot.
That’s right. AI chatbots love peppering their texts with highly formal adjectives—we found and listed the 100 most common AI adjectives below.

These descriptive words are so deeply ingrained in generative artificial intelligence to the point where they are now deemed to be ‘AI adjectives’.
1. Transformative
This word isn’t even recognized in many text processors nor does it appear in older dictionaries, yet it’s still a top pick.
2. Diverse
If something has the slightest hint of diversity about it, AI will be quick to label it as such.
3. Well-rounded
Most of the adjectives in this list carry a formal tone, but there are some exceptions including this one.
4. Informative
Information is the very essence of artificial intelligence, so this entry is somewhat unsurprising.
5. Actionable
AI chatbots don’t offer any old tips; they always strive to offer actionable tips!
6. In-depth
How many times has ChatGPT promised you an in-depth discussion or an in-depth investigation?
7. Complex
You can give AI the simplest of topics to talk about and it will still try to convince you that it contains many different complexities.
8. Various
It usually describes a noun by indicating that there are multiple or different kinds of something.
9. Multifaceted
A really strong candidate for the most common AI adjective if not the most common AI word.
10. Uncharted
One of many attempts to make the audience feel like they’re embarking on an adventure.
11. Indispensable
You’ll see a lot of adjectives in this list which describe the importance of something or someone.
12. Progressive
Many people rely on AI chatbots to track their journey or progress in a given field.
13. Accessible
It turns out AI is really good at finding something that can be easily reached, approached, understood, or used.
14. Timeless
Not affected by the passage of time? You can expect “timeless” to show up.
15. Unique
This may well be the most used adjective in human history, so we can’t have a go at chatbots for using it.
16. Incremental
A formal way of describing something that happens gradually.
17. Cohesive
The go-to word when AI wants to describe something that functions as a unified whole.
18. Economic
You’d be surprised at the amount of topics that can be linked to economic matters.
19. Cultural
Similarly to economics, it’s hard to think of a topic of conversation that doesn’t relate to culture in some way, shape, or form.
20. Functional
Artificial intelligence has a habit of prioritizing practicality over aesthetics.
21. Vital
The second (and not the last) adjective on this list that pertains to the importance of something.
22. Innovative
To be fair, we do live in an exciting age of innovation.
23. Broad
LLMs never like to confine themselves.
24. Optimal
This makes sense as many people use AI to find something that is the best or most effective in a particular situation or under given conditions.
25. Rigorous
Chatbots pride themselves on how rigorous they can be when the situation requires it.
26. Organic
This word always makes the noun it modifies sound much more interesting.
27. Appealing
Whenever something or someone is attractive, interesting, or pleasing in some way.
28. Scalable
This is evidence of the fact that lots of AI users possess an entrepreneurial mindset.
29. Foundational
ChatGPT won’t let you move to the next stage until the foundational principles are covered.
30. Efficient
Need to figure out a way that achieves maximum productivity with minimum effort? AI is your man!

31. Heightened
Something that has been increased or made more intense.
32. Seamless
You can’t escape this word in sales pitches, promotional campaigns etc. It was only a matter of time before AI picked it up.
33. Popular
Humans are obsessed with knowing what’s popular and what isn’t.
34. Unprecedented
The world has faced some pretty unprecedented scenarios in recent years, so this adjective is quite trendy right now.
35. Energizing
I don’t know why but even just looking at this word makes me feel more energized.
36. Sophisticated
It’s never experienced the world, but chatbots still know a thing or two about sophistication.
37. Cognitive
Does AI know more about the human brain than humans do? Seems like it.
38. Personalized
ChatGPT is always probing users for their personal preferences so that it can offer a more tailored experience.
39. Long-term
Even chatbots can see the wisdom in thinking about the long-term.
40. Comprehensive
Brevity isn’t AI’s strong suit.
41. Key
A small word with huge versatility in the artificial intelligence space.
42. Prevalent
Widespread just doesn’t cut it. But “prevalent” does!
43. Concise
If you want ChatGPT to keep things brief, just use this magic word.
44. Substantial
To describe something that is large in amount, degree, or importance.
45. Sustainable
It’s one of those buzzwords that humans and businesses throw about all the time, which hasn’t gone unnoticed by AI’s pattern recognition software.
46. Environmental
If sustainable is a common AI adjective then it’s not hard to see why environmental is too.
47. Profound
Philosophical discourse has also shaped AI’s vocabulary.
48. Common
In the same way that humans are interest in what’s popular, they want to know about the commonalities in life.
49. Influential
There’s no better word to describe someone or something’s impact on the world.
50. Interdependent
Given that AI has to handle some very complex tasks and discussions, I can see why a word like “interdependent” crops up so much.
51. Daily
Something that happens, appears, or is done every day.
52. Trustworthy
AI is always keen to reassure humans that its advice can be trusted, or is at least backed up by trusted sources.
53. Cumulative
It describes something that increases or builds up over time through successive additions.
54. Vast
It’s so annoying whenever ChatGPT talks about the vastness of a particular topic, in an attempt to make the topic more exciting.
55. Intriguing
Why describe something as interesting when you can use an intellectually superior word like intriguing?
56. Frustrating
AI chatbots use this word to show humans empathy when they are in a stressful situtation.
57. Effective
Anything that produces a desired result or outcome.
58. Precise
Nothing is obsessed with precision on the same scale as artificial intelligence!
59. Resilient
Someone or something that is able to recover quickly from difficulties, withstand challenges, or adapt effectively to adversity.
60. Digital-first
It’s basically another way of referring to the modern world.

61. Rapid
If it happens quickly or at a fast pace, you can bet your bottom dollar that AI uses rapid.
62. Creative
It’s surprising that such a hyper logical brain likes to use the word creative so much.
63. Ideal
Leave it to AI to assess a human’s situation and provide them with the most ideal courses of action.
64. Underlying
A common AI adjective that describes something that is beneath or forms the basis of something else.
65. Reputable
I think this one ties in with trustworthy, in the sense that it emphasizes the trustworthiness of AI’s sources.
66. Achievable
No point asking a chatbot to set you aims and objectives unless they are achievable.
67. Ongoing
Something that is currently in progress or continuing over a period of time.
68. Essential
I did warn you earlier on about words that express the importance of something.
69. Beneficial
Anything that’s helpful, advantageous, or promotes a positive outcome.
70. Structured
Oftentimes, humans want chatbots like ChatGPT to spit out content in a particular way.
71. Engaging
Well, if AI insists that something is engaging then it must be!
72. Remarkable
The only thing that’s remarkable is AI’s infatuation with the word remarkable.
73. Artistic
When something exhibits a certain level of skill, you can count on AI to liken it to art.
74. Political
This one is in good company with cultural, environmental, and economic.
75. Critical
Another one that pertains to the level of importance of a particular thing or person.
76. Lasting
Continues for a long period of time or remains for a long duration.
77. Ethical
Apparently, AI can wade into debates about morality.
78. Harmonious
Probably my favorite AI adjective of them all. It just looks and sounds so angelic.
79. Everyday
Something that is common, typical, or ordinary.
80. Collaborative
Even the corporate world has helped shape AI’s vocabulary.
81. Invaluable
Anything so valuable or important that its worth cannot be measured or estimated.
82. Inclusive
AI is clearly on a never-ending mission to promote inclusivity.
83. Integral
This must be the third or fourth adjective related to the importance of something.
84. Competitive
A person, activity, or environment characterized by competition or a strong desire to win or be better than others.
85. Continuous
Something that happens or exists without interruption, pause, or break.
86. Real-time
Lots of people use ChatGPT for real-time data and information, but it’s definitely one of the chatbot’s weaker areas.
87. Brief
Because, sometimes, less is more.
88. Practical
Something that is useful, sensible, or focused on actual application rather than theory.
89. Online
To describe anything that is connected to or available through the internet.
90. Offline
Every yin has a yang! I guess lots of people go to AI for advice on matters related to offline computing.
91. Ad-hoc
Something that is created or done for a particular purpose as needed, without planning or preparation.
92. Trendy
If there’s a hot trend happening in the human world, AI knows about it before you do!
93. Fast-paced
It’s just a hyphenated version of the aforementioned rapid.
94. Contemporary
Something that exists or occurs at the same time as something else, or something that belongs to the same time period.
95. Moderate
Some prefer the extremities, but most humans like to be somewhere in the middle.
96. Overwhelming
Yet another common AI adjective that shows sympathy towards humans when they are feeling out of their depth.
97. Varied
Variety is the spice of life!
98. Technological
As you would expect, it’s often used to describe technology, tools, processes, or methods within technical fields.
99. Abstract
Just like us humans, when AI doesn’t really know how to describe something, it reaches for abstract.
100. Cautious
AI has been trained to be responsible, hence why it always warns humans if a certain course of action has potentially negative consequences.