They say that ChatGPT-4 is 10 times more powerful than its predecessor, but does all this extra power have any bearing on its writing skills? I was sceptical from the get-go, because when I went on the pricing page to upgrade to Plus, there was no mention of ChatGPT-4 being a better writer. Then I …
Do you have suspicions that a lot of the content you are consuming is being written by a machine rather than a human? Or maybe you are a content creator yourself and you want to make it harder for your readers to spot the use of AI in your work. The obvious thing to do …
They say that AI is a force for good in the world, but anyone who works in academia will tell you otherwise. The standard plagiarism checkers used in schools and colleges are being outwitted by the likes of ChatGPT. Worse still, all those tools that claim to specialize in detecting AI content have a habit …
I browse a lot of online blogging communities and noticed that those just starting out invariably invest a lot of time and effort promoting their site on social media. Yet, the people who are much further along in their blogging journey tend to do way less off-page SEO… If traffic from social media is as …
Every guide I have read insists on downloading a plugin (usually their own, of course) to help you find all internal links pointing to a particular post or page. But this is complete nonsense! WordPress has its own built-in search feature that does a perfectly fine job of locating links throughout your website – as …
If you want a web page to be displayed larger than your screen size, you basically have two options, and which option you choose depends on the purpose for doing this. The main method is to insert the web page into another web page that you control. This might sound really technical, but it really …
Why would anyone want to increase the display size of Google Maps so that it exceeds the size of their screen? Your guess is as good as mine, but it can certainly be done! One reason I can think of is to load up a large area at once, rather than wait for new areas …
If you think ChatGPT can take care of every single aspect of SEO, you need to have a serious rethink. In fairness, AI does an excellent job when it comes to written content, which is arguably the most important part of getting a website to rank. Images also play a crucial role, but it turns …
Nobody wants to be left behind in the AI revolution. Some people tap into the power of ChatGPT to help them with the odd task here and there in daily life, while others have much grander plans. Those in the latter camp are constantly looking for ways to level-up their business or day job with …
When OpenAI unleashed their chatbot on the world, it had both positive and negative consequences for SEO. It gave you the ability to publish vast amounts of content quickly and cheaply. But every action has a reaction, and boy did the search engines react! Thanks largely to ChatGPT, everyone felt the wrath of Google’s Helpful …