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Avoid These Overused ChatGPT Words

If you don’t want your AI-generated content to be flagged as such, make sure it doesn’t contain words that are strongly associated with ChatGPT.

Indeed, there’s a phenomenon of commonly used words in texts generated by ChatGPT and this means Google, AI detectors, and even your readers can determine with high accuracy whether or not your content was written by a human.

Fortunately, we’ve been tracking AI’s favorite words for a long time. By avoiding these blacklisted words, you stand a much better chance of publishing content which is undetectable as ChatGPT-written content.

Overused ChatGPT nouns

  1. Dance
  2. Celebration
  3. Pitfalls

We can all agree that it would be impossible to communicate with each other if we couldn’t refer to specific people, places, objects, ideas etc. But ChatGPT likes to insert nouns unnecessarily.

‘Dance’ comes up a lot when the chatbot is feeling rather poetic. If it notices a correlation between two variables, the chances are it will describe the relationship as being “an intricate dance”.

‘Celebration’ isn’t too dissimilar from ‘dance’, although the latter is far more cringe-inducing in my opinion. When talking positively about a particular topic, you can fully expect ChatGPT to say that it’s a celebration of this, a celebration of that, a celebration of everything!

I think I speak for most people when I say that schools like to break things down in terms of advantages and disadvantages. For whatever reason, this chatbot often opts to use ‘pitfalls’ instead of disadvantages/cons.

Overused ChatGPT adjectives

  1. Comprehensive
  2. Multifaceted
  3. Uncharted

Yes, adjectives enable us to provide additional information about the nouns they modify, but you don’t need to modify every single noun. Moreover, you don’t need to use the same set of adjectives over and over again!

If you ask ChatGPT to write an article, it will invariably contain the phrase “In this comprehensive article” or words to that effect. What’s amusing about this is that the proceeding text is rarely comprehensive without further prompts.

This chatbot also has a habit of presenting everything as being very complex or ‘multifaceted’. It’s probably an attempt at increasing reader engagement, but it makes your eyes roll when it does it for the most simplistic of topics.

For similar reasons to ‘multifaceted’, ChatGPT commonly uses the word ‘uncharted’ when it introduces a topic, as in “uncharted territory”. I think this is designed to make users impressed by the fact that this AI tool is able to discuss a topic that supposedly nobody has ventured into before.

Overused ChatGPT verbs

  1. Explore
  2. Elevate
  3. Leverage

Verbs are an essential ingredient for making your writing dynamic and engaging, but when you reach for the same select few verbs time and time again, your writing is the polar opposite of dynamic and engaging.

ChatGPT is foremostly an informational tool—you can really sense its enthusiasm for informational queries when it uses the verb ‘explore’, as it carries connotations of going on some sort of voyage.

You ought to be on red alert for elevate. This word is known to show up more than once in the same AI-generated response, especially when it’s a long-form response for things like guides and articles, making it a particularly bad offender.

This chatbot has clearly spent a fair amount of time training on business writing, or at least that’s my personal theory as to why ‘leverage’ is such an overused ChatGPT word.

Overused ChatGPT adverbs

  1. Originally
  2. Highly
  3. Ultimately

ChatGPT also suffers with a limited vocabulary when it comes to adverbs. We have listed the top three adverbs to avoid using in your AI-generated content, but definitely check out the full list of common ChatGPT adverbs too.

Since this chatbot is always keen to lecture users on the entire history of a given topic, it’s no surprise at all that ‘originally’ has high usage.

Whenever ChatGPT blurts out a wall of text, it always tries to highlight a handful of points or details that it thinks will be of particular interest to the user, usually by using the word ‘highly’ to intensify the meaning of something e.g. “This book is highly recommended”.

When concluding its statements, ChatGPT likes to use ‘ultimately’ as a transition word. You should absolutely avoid using this word in the conclusions of your own ChatGPT-written articles unless you want to arouse suspicions from Google and co.

Overused ChatGPT pronouns

  1. We
  2. Us
  3. Our

There’s no point running through these pronouns individually, as they all band together as first-person plural pronouns—ChatGPT prefers plural pronouns when writing articles and such.

I think this is down to the tool having the noble concept of inclusivity hardwired into its artificial neural network and thus it likes to convey a sense of collective action or experience.

So, in order to improve your chances of beating the AI content detectors, you should steer the chatbot towards first-person singular pronouns.