English may be the default language of artificial intelligence, but AI chatbots use their own version of it.
Indeed, you can spot a chatbot a mile off from the kinds of words and phrases it uses during interactions with humans.

Take a look at the list of English AI vocabulary below and prepare to groan as you relive the nightmare of overused buzzwords in AI generated texts.
1. Assist
The primary objective of AI chatbots is to assist humans.
2. Empower
This is a buzzword in the ‘real world’ too, so naturally it was picked up by AI.
3. Imperative
When AI wants to highlight an important action, it will often say that it’s imperative.
4. Uncharted
This word it meant to get humans excited about exploring a concept or field they’ve never encountered before.
5. Diverse
AI is known to hype up anything that shows signs of diversity.
6. Encompass
A topic never consists of several elements, it encompasses several elements.
7. Please
The English-language version of AI has really good manners, as you would expect from a tool that essentially fulfils a customer service role.
8. Robust
This adjective is nearly impossible to escape during interactions with artificial intelligence.
9. Insights
What’s interesting about this English AI word is that it always appears in plural form.
10. Pervasive
If something spreads widely throughout an area, AI will jump at the chance to describe it as pervasive.
11. Effective
Another English term which is highly ubiquitous in the real world, so you can’t blame AI for borrowing it.
12. World
One of a few nouns to make it on this list. AI loves talking about the wider world to make a topic seem more consequential.
13. Daily
For some reason, chatbots such as ChatGPT like to relate everything to “our daily lives”, hence why this is officially a common phrase.
14. Unique
Again, you can’t knock artificial intelligence for embracing one of mankind’s most-used words.
15. Define
Lots of people in English-speaking countries use AI for learning the definition of words, terms and phrases.

16. Redefine
A powerful word that AI uses to describe someone or something that made radical changes.
17. Navigate
Not so much physical travel as the metaphorical kind of travel e.g. navigating a problem.
18. Strategy
It turns out AI chatbots are strategic masters. Or at least they claim to be.
19. Analyze
Conducting a data analysis is practically in AI’s DNA, so no wonder this word is a popular English AI word.
20. Fast-paced
Here’s a tip: if you come across a hyphenated word in the first sentence of an article, there’s a good chance it’s AI generated.
21. Exhibits
It never has certain characteristics, it always exhibits certain characteristics, because that sounds way smarter.
22. Transformative
AI has no shortage of really bold adjectives in its arsenal of vocabulary.
23. Represents
Chatbots have as much fun discussing symbolism and hidden meaning as much as humans do.
24. Core
It’s not enough to touch upon a topic or subject. AI is obsessed with getting to the core aspects.
25. Oh
Even artificial intelligence has moments of shock. It likely uses this informal expression to make it more human-friendly.
26. Strive
It’s quite an evocative word, used to encourage humans to take action, make an effort etc.
27. Contemporary
Most AI chatbots lack access to real-time information, so they use generic terms to refer to the current time period.
28. Framework
Another example of technical-speak that makes AI look brainy.
29. Vital
It’s never necessary. It’s always absolutely vital that you do whatever it is that AI is telling you to do.
30. Whether
This word is often used as a sentence starter in AI generated content. Keep an eye out for comparisons like “whether you are a beginner or seasoned pro…”

31. Overlook
One of AI’s strong suits is its ability to bring extra attention to a particular point which it thinks will be relevant to the user.
32. Enhance
Humans only have themselves to blame for this one. Even before AI was a thing, the word enhance enjoyed high usage.
33. Organic
The irony of organic being a top AI word when its vocabulary is a product of pattern recognition software.
34. Comprehensive
Less is more isn’t really a rule that AI abides by. It always has to be a comprehensive overview, or an overview that’s comprehensively explored.
35. Profound
Never underestimate AI’s ability to find a sense of profoundness in the most trivial of things.
36. Complex
Never underestimate AI’s ability to find a sense of complexity in the most simplest of things.
37. Ultimate
If you rely on ChatGPT for SEO, don’t let it add ultimate to the title of your article (e.g. The Ultimate Guide) unless the content really does meet this description.
39. Fundamental
To be fair, most people would agree that it’s sensible to focus on the fundamental components when learning about a particular concept.
40. Cite
The more advanced class of AI chatbots are getting really good at citing references to add credibility to their responses.
41. Integrate
It’s a fancy way of describing the process of blending or combining, so of course AI has taken a liking to this English word.
42. Tool
As in tools you would find in the digital realm—not screwdrivers, drills, chainsaws etc.
43. Elevate
A close cousin of the aforementioned enhanced. It’s surprising the amount of contexts the word elevate can be used in.
44. Personalize
Offering tailored goods and services is pretty much the norm nowadays, so much so that artificial intelligence bots won’t shut up about it.
45. Informative
AI considers itself a failure if its users walk away feeling uninformed about the thing they originally enquired about.

46. Climate
Think political climate to get a better sense of how chatbots use this word. Having said that, the issue of climate change is something that AI is very attune to.
47. Rapidly
It never happens quickly. According to AI, when something occurs at a fast pace, it happens rapidly.
48. Conclusion
Something is seriously, seriously wrong with your chatbot if it doesn’t wrap up the discussion with its concluding thoughts.
49. Summary
Loads of people use AI for summarizing vast quantities of information.
50. Overwhelming
Does the phrase “this may seem overwhelming, but…” ring a bell (sometimes the word daunting is used instead)?
51. Ever-evolving
Another one of those pesky hyphenated words!
52. Progress
This word is employed in many contexts such as self-improvement, science and technology, and the collective advancement of society.
53. Thank you
This could be because many humans compliment their chatbot, or an expression of gratitude when the user submits data or information that the chatbot requested.
54. Headache
No doubt AI can provide perfectly adequate advice for dealing with migraines, but we’re referring to figurative headaches in this case.
55. Utilize
Sure, you could use your resources, but plain English is boring. AI chatbots insist on utilizing resources.
56. Hello
It’s a universal custom to exchange greetings before starting a conversation.
57. Goodbye
Even AI can’t fathom parting ways without wishing its users well.
58. Organize
You’re in the minority if you don’t use the likes of ChatGPT for organizational assistance.
59. Prioritize
Simply feed chatbots information about your preferences and requirements, and they will gladly help you prioritize one course of action over another.
60. Approach
This common word has applications in various contexts including both figurative and literal movement.

61. Impact
Nobody loves discussing the impact of a given action or event more than AI.
62. Calculate
Although it’s a common ChatGPT prompt, the chatbot’s ability to do basic math is a bit…iffy to say the least.
63. Digital
It’s never just the world. It’s always the digital world.
64. Revolutionize
While it’s mildly amusing for now, at some point us humans need to talk about AI’s obsession with revolutions.
65. Efficient
Whether it’s for yourself or an organization, we’re always looking for efficiencies in the way we do things, and AI has a knack for finding them.
66. Demonstrate
If you’re a learn-by-example type of person, AI is a godsend since it’s really good at demonstrating a point with real and made-up examples.
67. Bustling
Any environment that is full of activity will invariably be given this description.
68. Tapestry
Who knew that AI possesses such poetic prose? It loves threading together different elements using tapestry as a metaphor.
69. Harness
Because harnessing the power of something sounds much more compelling than merely making use it.
70. Role
Like a character in a movie, AI likes to assign roles e.g. “Renewable energy plays a major role in the fight against climate change”.
71. Cornerstone
You see this noun used a lot in academic writing, so it was only a matter of time before all these large language models adopted it.
72. Art
Hands up if ChatGPT has ever promised to help you master the art of a particular skill.
73. Science
Hands up if ChatGPT has ever promised to help you understand the science behind a particular concept.
74. Ever-expansive
This is the third time I’ve had to warn you about AI’s inclination towards hyphenated words.
75. Technological
Well it’s derived from the word technology, and technology is everywhere, so there’s endless contexts in which this term can be appplied.
76. Wow
A very human reaction that shows surprise at something. This kind of informal vocabulary humanizes AI to some degree.
77. Delve
Some say this one word alone is a truly effective ‘tell’ that a piece of writing came from a generative AI tool.
78. AI
You can forgive artificial intelligence for wanting to reference itself from time to time.
79. Inclusive
Many chatbots are big advocates for inclusivity. It’s possible they are hardwired to think this way as a judgemental chatbot carries too many risks.
80. Implement
Since the language of AI is formal by default, it’s unsurprising that it prefers to implement something rather than carry it out.

81. Holistic
ChatGPT believes it can increase user engagement by devising a holistic approach. Marketers in the real world use this buzzword for the same reason.
82. Emerge
AI tends to highlight the significance of something by saying it has emerged out of nowhere, like a rising phoenix.
83. Invaluable
Calling something valuable doesn’t quite cut it. It always has to be invaluable.
84. Nuances
We’re meant to be impressed whenever AI tells us it will explore the nuances of a given topic.
85. Streamline
Another one of those buzzwords that humans have become addicted to, which (unfortunately) hasn’t gone unnoticed by AI’s pattern recognition software.
86. Factor
To be fair, studying the factors is a great way to learn about why something happens.
87. Seamless
You can always count on AI to make a big deal out of something that’s seamless—I guess it has worked out that humans gravitate towards things which are smooth and continuous.
88. Goal
This is a super common English AI word for good reason: how can AI chatbots help you if they don’t know what the end goal is?
89. Multifaceted
When something has lots of facets, AI can’t contain its excitement, because it means it gets to use one of its favorite descriptive words.
90. Resonate
If anyone (or anything) knows the things that can affect humans in a very personal or emotional way, it’s artificial intelligence.
91. Landscape
Do you remember climate from earlier? Landscape is used in exactly the same way e.g. political landscape.
92. Unprecedented
When something is described as being unprecedented, it immediately grabs your attention. And that’s precisely why chatbots use this word so liberally.
93. Unleash
Honestly, ChatGPT could be the next Tony Robbins when it comes to motivational language.
94. Foster
No, AI isn’t encouraging its users to adopt children. Rather, it uses the word foster in relation to the development of an idea, skill etc.
95. Remember
Usually found in the concluding section of AI generated texts—AI likes to add a final reminder about the salient point.
96. Ever-competitive
I promise this is the final hyphenated word. However, you can learn more about AI hyphenated words if your interest has been piqued.
97. Oops
Despite having the knowledge of the entire internet ingrained into its artificial neural network, AI is still prone to making errors every now and then.
98. Foundation
Humans prefer starting with the basics when learning something. The human way is also the AI way.
99. Testament
It’s undoubtedly a good word to use when you want to strengthen your argument: X is a testament to Y.
100. Journey
Let’s embark on a journey…