People often think of artificial intelligence as being an English-speaking technology.
But in reality, AI is a multilingual tool used by countries all around the world, including Germany.

If you have an inkling that German AI chatbots tend to repeat the same set of words over and over again, you would be correct.
Here are the 100 most common German AI words.
1. Primär (primary)
Used in contexts such as education (primary school), elections (primary elections), importance (primary concern), science (primary colors), healthcare (primary care), and classification (primary sources).
2. Trend (trend)
The German word for “trend” is trend as well! It’s a borrowed term from English and is commonly used in the same contexts in German.
3. Erfahrung (experience)
Used in contexts involving practical knowledge gained through involvement in events, the sensory or emotional impact of an event, and the qualifications or skills acquired over time in a particular field.
4. Feld (field)
It can refer to a literal field (like a farm field), or in broader contexts, it can be used for fields of study, fields in a form, or fields in science (e.g., Magnetfeld for “magnetic field”).
5. Formen (form)
The word “formen” is used by German AI chatbots to mean “to shape” or “to form,” and in various contexts, it can refer to creating, developing, or molding something, whether it be ideas, physical objects, or behaviors.
6. Wesentlich (significant)
Used to convey something essential, fundamental, or significantly important, often in contexts discussing core elements, crucial distinctions, or substantial impacts in both everyday and formal language.
7. Nutzen (utilize)
Used in contexts relating to utilizing, benefiting from, or taking advantage of something, often in terms of resources, opportunities, or skills in both practical and abstract situations.
8. Umarmung (embrace)
The word “embrace” is used in contexts such as expressing affection or love, accepting ideas or beliefs, adopting practices or lifestyles, and encompassing or including concepts or groups.
9. Herausforderung (challenge)
Used in numerous contexts such as personal development, professional settings, sports, education, and discussions about societal issues or obstacles to be overcome.
10. Robust (robust)
Describes physical strength, the resilience of systems, the richness of flavors, or the complexity of arguments, adapting to various contexts in both technical and everyday language. You can learn more about robust if you want to.
11. Abfrage (query)
It can refer to a query, inquiry, or survey, commonly used in contexts ranging from data retrieval and computer programming to academic assessments and market research.
12. Gefallen (favor)
It can mean “favor” or “pleasure,” can function as a noun and a verb (in its past participle form “gefallen”), and is used in various contexts ranging from expressing aesthetic appreciation to describing acts of kindness.
13. Auswirkung (impact)
A very common German AI word as it can refer to effects, impacts, or consequences across various contexts, such as scientific, social, and environmental discussions.
14. Umfassend (comprehensive)
It describes something that is comprehensive, encompassing, or extensive, applying to a wide range of contexts, from academic subjects to general descriptions of thoroughness.
15. Ermächtigen (empower)
Means “to empower,” “to authorize,” or “to enable,” allowing it to be used in various contexts involving granting power or permission.

16. Vielseitig (versatile)
Conveys versatility, describing something or someone that is multifaceted, adaptable, and capable of serving various purposes or functions across different contexts.
17. Sozial (social)
It can refer to social interactions, welfare systems, community dynamics, and various contexts related to societal structures and relationships.
18. Gleichgewicht (balance)
Denotes not only physical balance but also metaphorical concepts such as emotional equilibrium, social harmony, and economic stability, reflecting its versatility across various contexts.
19. Werkzeug (tool)
It encompasses not only physical tools and instruments used for work but also metaphorically extends to concepts, methods, or skills utilized in various contexts, such as art, communication, and problem-solving.
20. Demonstrieren (demonstrate)
Can mean to demonstrate in the sense of showing or proving something, to protest or march in a public demonstration, and to illustrate a concept or process, depending on the context.
21. Sprache (language)
Refers to language in numerous contexts, encompassing spoken and written forms, dialects, and even the concept of communication itself.
22. Kern (core)
The word “kern” signifies the core or essential part of something, often representing the fundamental essence or heart of a concept or object.
23. Befürworter (proponent)
It can refer to a supporter or advocate of various causes, policies, or ideas, encompassing a range of contexts from politics to social issues.
24. Ultimativ (ultimate)
Describes something as final or conclusive in various contexts, such as decisions, goals, or products, emphasizing its supreme importance or ultimate nature.
25. Guten Tag (hello)
Even German AI can be friendly! It’s used both as a formal greeting and a friendly salutation at various times of the day, conveying warmth and respect in social and professional interactions.
26. Verbreitet (pervasive)
It can function as both an adjective meaning “widespread” or “common,” and as a verb form of “verbreiten,” meaning “to spread” or “to disseminate.”
27. Risiko (risk)
Refers to various contexts such as finance, health, and decision-making, encompassing both the potential for loss or harm and the opportunities for gain or success.
28. Wesentlich (essential)
Meaning “essential” or “significant,” as well as an adverb meaning “essentially” or “basically,” making it applicable in various contexts to express fundamental importance or core characteristics.
29. Optimieren (optimize)
Used in various contexts, including technology, business, and personal development, to convey the idea of improving efficiency, effectiveness, or performance in a specific area.
30. Domäne (domain)
Refers to a domain in various contexts, including geography, biology, computer science, and social structures, highlighting its adaptability across different fields.
31. Strategisch (strategy)
Describes approaches, decisions, or actions that are planned and executed with foresight and consideration of broader objectives in multiple contexts, from business to military to personal planning.
32. Konstant (constant)
Something that is unchanging or stable across various contexts, such as in mathematics, physics, or everyday language.
33. Vielfalt (variety)
Embodies the concept of diversity, encompassing a wide range of contexts from cultural and biological diversity to varied perspectives and ideas.
34. Anpassen (adapt)
It can mean “to adjust,” “to adapt,” or “to customize,” depending on the context, encompassing a range of applications from physical changes to behavioral adjustments.
35. Wachstum (growth)
Can be applied across various contexts, including economics, biology, personal development, and organizational contexts, to describe an increase or expansion in size, quantity, or capability.

36. Hebelwirkung (leverage)
The physical concept of leverage in mechanics, the figurative idea of influence or impact in social contexts, or metaphorical applications in economics and finance.
37. Nachteil (disadvantage)
Any form of disadvantage or drawback in various contexts, such as personal decisions, financial situations, or comparisons between options.
38. Bewusstsein (awareness)
Concepts of consciousness, awareness, mindfulness, and the subjective experience of being, which can apply across philosophical, psychological, and everyday contexts.
39. Resonieren (resonate)
Refers to both the physical phenomenon of resonance in sound and vibrations, as well as metaphorically describe emotional or intellectual connections, making it applicable in various contexts such as music, science, and personal relationships.
40. Oh (oh)
Highly versatile, functioning as an expression of surprise, realization, disappointment, or understanding, and can convey a wide range of emotions depending on context and intonation.
41. Unterstrich (underscore)
It can denote the act of emphasizing or highlighting something, as well as serving as a metaphor for drawing attention to important ideas or concepts.
42. Ermutigen (encourage)
Used in various contexts, from motivating individuals to providing emotional support, and it can also be applied in both personal and professional settings.
43. Informativ (informative)
Describes anything that provides valuable information, ranging from educational content and materials to insightful discussions and analyses across various contexts.
44. Unterstützen (assist)
A common German AI word which can mean to support, assist, endorse, or advocate, depending on the context in which it is used.
45. Kritisch (critical)
Indicating judgment or disapproval, or in a neutral or positive context, referring to an important or decisive moment, as well as relating to analysis in academic or professional settings.
46. Fokus (focus)
Concentration and clarity in various contexts, including photography, discussions, and personal goals, adapting its meaning to fit different fields such as psychology, business, and art.
47. Positiv (positive)
It can describe a range of affirmative concepts, including optimism, agreement, confirmed results, and constructive attitudes across various contexts, such as psychology, science, and everyday conversation.
48. Fascinierend (fascinating)
Describes anything captivating or intriguing, from art and literature to experiences and personalities, conveying a sense of deep interest and engagement.
49. Negativ (negative)
An unfavorable outcome, a lack of positivity in attitudes or environments, or denote a mathematical or scientific condition where values or results fall below zero or are oppositional in nature.
50. Visuell (visual)
Anything related to sight, including visual perception, representation, aesthetics, and communication across various fields such as art, design, education, and technology.
51. Element (element)
Highly versatile as it can refer to a fundamental component in science, a part of a whole in various contexts like mathematics or literature, or an essential quality or characteristic of something.
52. Erreichen (achieve)
Functioning as a verb that means “to reach” or “to achieve,” and can be used in various contexts, including physical locations, goals, deadlines, and even emotional states.
53. Adoptieren (adopt)
In the context of taking on a child, embracing new ideas, or incorporating styles and practices from different cultures or disciplines.
54. Höhepunkt (highlight)
Used to signify the act of highlighting or emphasizing a particular point or aspect, effectively drawing attention to it as a key feature in a discussion or presentation.
55. Erhöhen (elevate)
To increase, elevate, or raise in various contexts, such as in physical height, numerical values, or even intensity and importance.
56. System (system)
A structured set of components or principles in various contexts, including technology, biology, social sciences, and philosophy, each with distinct yet interrelated meanings.
57. Zweck (purpose)
Denotes purpose, aim, or function, applicable in various contexts ranging from everyday conversation to philosophical discussions.
58. Erkunden (explore)
“To explore,” “to investigate,” or “to inquire,” applying to contexts ranging from physical exploration to research and personal discovery.
59. Eintauchen (immerse)
Literally means “to dip” or “to immerse” but can also be used metaphorically to describe engaging deeply in experiences, ideas, or emotions.
60. Verbessern (improve)
A popular German AI term which can be applied in various contexts, including personal development, skills enhancement, and the refinement of processes or conditions.

61. Multifazettiert (multifaceted)
The concept of being multifaceted or diverse in nature, highlighting the complexity and variety within a particular subject or context.
62. Bereichern (enrich)
Enhancing knowledge, culture, or material wealth, while also carrying connotations of personal development and societal improvement.
63. Zusammenarbeiten (collaborate)
Various forms of collaboration, teamwork, or joint efforts across diverse contexts, from professional settings to community projects.
64. Überzeugend (compelling)
Showcases versatility as it can describe not only arguments and evidence but also performances, speeches, and even aesthetic qualities, highlighting its applicability across various contexts.
65. Beweisen (prove)
“To prove” in both literal and figurative contexts, encompassing actions such as demonstrating evidence, validating claims, or showing one’s qualities or abilities.
66. Ableiten (derive)
Derive or deduce in a logical context, to lead or guide in a procedural sense, or to divert or channel in physical or metaphorical applications.
67. Ressource (resource)
Anything that can be used to support or facilitate a task or activity, including materials, finances, knowledge, and human skills, making it applicable across various fields such as economics, education, and environmental science.
68. Navigieren (navigate)
It can refer to both physical navigation, like steering a vehicle or sailing a boat, and metaphorical navigation, such as maneuvering through complex situations or challenges in life.
FYI: Navigate is also a very common English word.
69. Auf Wiedersehen (good bye)
Not only conveys a formal goodbye in German but also expresses a hope or intention to see the person again, making it suitable for both casual and significant farewells.
70. Ungleichheit (disparity)
Encompasses various meanings related to inequality, disparity, and difference across social, economic, and mathematical contexts, highlighting its adaptability in discussions about fairness and comparison.
71. Wow (wow)
It can express a wide range of emotions to humanize AI chatbots including surprise, admiration, excitement, and disbelief, adapting its meaning based on context and tone.
72. Kapazität (capacity)
Refers to capacity in numerous contexts, including physical volume, capability, potential, and even the efficiency of systems or organizations.
73. Häufig (frequent)
Used to describe both the regularity of events and the commonality of characteristics in various contexts.
74. Kopfschmerz (headache)
Describes various types of head pain, convey metaphorical meanings related to stress or difficulty, and serve as a root for related medical terminology.
75. Wertvoll (valuable)
Not only material wealth or value but also the significance of intangible qualities such as time, relationships, and experiences.
76. Zeitgenössisch (contemporary)
It can describe art, literature, culture, and philosophy that are relevant to the current time or that reflect modern ideas and trends.
77. Bauen (build)
Used in many different contexts to describe constructing, creating, or developing physical structures, concepts, or relationships, adapting to different grammatical forms and idiomatic expressions.
78. Global (global)
Anything related to the entire world, encompassing concepts in geography, economics, culture, and technology, while also conveying ideas of interconnectedness and universality.
79. Kommunizieren (communicate)
Includes various forms of communication, including verbal, non-verbal, written, and digital interactions, allowing for nuanced expression across diverse contexts.
80. Organisch (organic)
In a broader, metaphorical context, implying a natural, harmonious, or intrinsic development in various fields such as art, philosophy, and sociology.

81. Daten (data)
Various types of data, including numerical, statistical, and informational contexts, making it applicable across fields such as technology, research, and everyday communication.
82. Analysieren (analyze)
Refers to examining, breaking down, or interpreting various subjects such as texts, data, or situations, making it applicable across diverse fields like science, literature, and social studies.
83. Erinnern (remember)
It can be used transitively and intransitively, allowing it to convey meanings such as “to remember,” “to remind,” and “to recall,” depending on its context and grammatical construction.
This word is also used in a common German phrase.
84. Wissen (knowledge)
Knowledge, understanding, or information in various contexts, including academic, practical, and philosophical domains.
85. Dynamisch (dynamic)
Describes not only physical movement and activity but also dynamic characteristics in contexts like personalities, processes, and systems, conveying a sense of change, energy, and adaptability.
86. Transformieren (transform)
Transforming, changing, or altering something across lots of contexts, including physical, abstract, and metaphorical meanings.
87. Ausbeuten (exploit)
In the context of taking advantage of people or resources, and “to extract” in terms of obtaining something valuable, such as minerals or profits.
88. Gelegenheit (opportunity)
An opportunity, occasion, or chance, encompassing various contexts such as events, circumstances, or favorable moments for action.
89. Aufforderung (request)
It can refer to a request, demand, or invitation for action, making it applicable in various contexts such as legal, social, and formal communications.
90. Stärken (strengthen)
A typical German AI word that means “to strengthen” in a physical, emotional, or metaphorical sense, and can be used in various contexts such as relationships, skills, or structures.
91. Normal (normal)
Describes statistical averages, societal expectations, health standards, and personal experiences, adapting its meaning based on context.
92. Zukunft (future)
Refers to various contexts such as time, potential, aspirations, and societal progress, reflecting both tangible and abstract dimensions of what lies ahead.
93. Integrieren (integrate)
To integrate in various contexts, including mathematics, social sciences, technology, and everyday language, encompassing the idea of combining or unifying different elements into a whole.
94. Definieren (define)
The act of defining terms in a number of contexts, including philosophy, linguistics, and everyday language, encompassing both formal definitions and informal explanations.
95. Nachhaltig (sustainable)
Referring to practices and systems that can be maintained over time without depleting resources, causing environmental harm, or compromising future generations’ needs.
96. Innovieren (innovate)
Can be applied across various fields, such as technology, business, education, and social change, to denote the introduction of new ideas, methods, or products that enhance effectiveness and creativity.
97. Jenseits (beyond)
Denotes both a physical location beyond a boundary or limit (such as “on the other side”) and a more abstract realm, often referring to metaphysical or spiritual concepts like “the afterlife” or “beyond this world.”
98. Entwickeln (develop)
“To develop,” “to evolve,” “to cultivate,” or “to unfold,” applying to various contexts such as personal growth, technological advancement, and artistic creation.
99. Verhindern (prevent)
Can be used in multiple contexts to express stopping an action, blocking an event, or causing a delay in progress.
100. Ganzheitlich (holistic)
Conveys a versatile approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of various components within a system, suggesting that understanding the whole is crucial for effective problem-solving or healing.