The best way to detect AI generated articles is by finding the “ChatGPTisms”.
You can learn more about common ChatGPT words and common ChatGPT phrases or paste your article below and we’ll highlight them for you.
Who is this AI content detector for?
This tool is designed for anyone who uses ChatGPT for article writing and wants their content to perform well in the search engine results pages (SERPs).
If your text contains any common AI phrases, search engines like Google may flag it as AI-generated and you will experience indexing and ranking issues.
How does the tool work?
Users paste or enter their articles into the text box, hit the ‘Check’ button, and the tool checks it against 1000s of overused AI words and phrases.
The highlighted phrases are displayed as a list, and the user is prompted to remove or rephrase them to humanize the text so that it becomes original AI and performs better in the search rankings.
Why is it the best ChatGPT detector around?
There are lots of sophisticated AI detection tools out there which are trained on the patterns of human writing, but they are rather heavy-handed and users often report false positives.
Our tool focuses on ChatGPTisms because our research shows that text containing them are downgraded by search engines. In other words, this tool has the specific aim of making ChatGPT-generated text more SEO-friendly.